How To Get Residence Permit?

After getting a job offer in Sweden, the next step is to get your work permit. Many companies will appoint a consultant such as Deloitte to do the heavy lifting on your behalf. After your employer initiates the process and you received a link, upload the required documents, pay the fees and wait for approval,

Residence permits: If you have to stay in Sweden for over three months, you will be issued a work permit. The duration can last between six months to two years. If your job has a six-month probation clause, you might receive a residence permit only for that duration. Also do note any permit shorter than one year will make it difficult to get a personal number and open full bank accounts in Sweden. Your salary needs to be at least 13,000 SEK per month. The Swedish government is looking to increase that requirement.  A student and his/her spouse can also get a resident permit. (READ: Personal Number, Bank Accounts)

Time: If your employer is listed with Sweden’s fast-track system or green channel, your work permit will be approved in a couple of weeks. In case, it is not, it might take several months.

Work permit for dependents: Any dependent will also get a residence permit for the same duration as the main applicant. Your spouse or your live-in partner (called Sambo in Sweden) will also get a work permit. Make sure to apply together so that the permit is processed together. If someone applies separately, the dependent permit is considered low priority and takes a long time for approval, even for fast-tracked main applicants. In rare cases, it is also possible to get permits for your dependent parents, but it needs to be applied as soon as you arrive here.

Work of embassy: The Swedish embassy won’t be the one deciding on your residence permit. It’s Migrationsverket or the Swedish migration agency based in Sweden that would decide about your permit. The Sweden embassy in New Delhi is where you would have to go to submit your biometrics. Bring your passport along. When Migrationsverket approves your permit, it is sent to the embassy and they will inform you over email. You can either collect it from the embassy or get an authorized person to collect it on your behalf. The embassy does not send permits over courier anymore.

Contact Embassy of Sweden, 4-5 Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110 021, India

Embassy: +91 11 4419 7100

Migration section: +91 11 4566 6300

Biometric submission: Monday to Friday, 0830 to 1030 IST

Residence permit collection: Monday to Friday, 1100 to 0100 IST

Note: Carry your passports.

For residence permit application, mail for an appointment.


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