Is Sweden Safe?

It is the first question that comes to mind when you are planning to move to Sweden. While news reports about incidents leading to riots or drug gangs are not infrequent, they are not as widespread as a foreigner would surmise after reading the headlines. As crime rates are much lower than in most countries in the world, a few incidents tend to get highlighted. Even those low crime rates have dipped in recent years, according to the Swedish Crime survey.

Swedes tend to be shy and will go out of their way to avoid a confrontation. For a normal person, working and living in Sweden, you are unlikely to see any crime committed against you. Walking on the streets at night is usually very safe. As with any major global city, there might be petty crimes that can be easily avoided by being aware of your surroundings. There have been no major cases of crimes against the Indian community. However, there are some areas in Sweden such as Rinkeby near Stockholm and Rosengard in Malmo, which are dubbed as disturbed areas, mostly due to drug-related gang violence. Several targeted killings and bombings happened in the last two years in some parts of Sweden. While the Police have increased enforcement, it is seen that more teenagers are being caught in the gang violence. As the usual suggestion goes – To avoid getting caught in that, avoid drugs.

Another issue in Sweden is the high rate of sexual assault and harassment. Despite the country’s reputation for being progressive and gender-equal, a 2018 report from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention found that one in four women in Sweden have been subjected to sexual assault. This is a problem that the government is actively working to address, with a focus on prevention and education, as well as increased support for victims.

In terms of personal safety, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions when traveling alone or at night. Pickpocketing and theft can be a problem in tourist areas, and it is always a good idea to keep your valuables close to you and be aware of your surroundings.

Immigration and Integration

There are two kinds of immigrants in Sweden. One group came to Sweden with a job, usually highly educated and with a higher standard of living. The other group came as refugees, fleeing from the horrors of war in the Middle East and Africa. There have been some challenges in integrating diverse cultures and resulting in the creation of ghettos. It has led to localized problems that the government is trying to address. There are  61 areas in Sweden, all with a high proportion of immigrants, listed by police as risk areas for rising gang violence. The government says gang crime, fuelled by the drug trade, is linked to poor integration of Sweden’s large immigrant community.


A major riot took place in April 2022, in Malmo. An angry crowd of mainly young people set fire to car tires, debris, and garbage cans in the Rosengard district, triggered by Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan’s meetings and planned Quran burnings. While the riot was localized, it received wide attention across the world.

MSH Opinion: Isolated incidents grouped together might make things look more dangerous than they actually are. Most crimes are related to gang violence over control of drug trade. But these incidents of violence in a population of over 10 million are too few to make Sweden problematic for normal people. In contrast, the USA has more violent crimes in a week than Sweden has in a year. Crimes targeting Indians, or other immigrants, are rare despite right wing parties gaining prominence. 


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